#Paul_Ward_PerformixMidwest hanging out with the GNC crew in
Happy #FlexFriday #FitFam! (at Refinery - Voted BEST GYM!)
Friday Night at the gym…bc I’d rather be lifting.
#HealthySnacks #SweetTooth #EatClean
Throwback Thursday! #MuscleLooksGoodOnYou #HardBody #GirlsGoneStrong
Working Out…never cheats, steals, or lies to you. It’s
LEGS! My fav workout! Yep…def progressing. (at The Refinery)
Even though it was my rest day I still got in 90min of walking
Aaahheeee!!! Throw Back Thursday! Me && my GSXR600…awe
Get it, Got it, Good!
Couldn’t have said it better myself. #PushYourself #GoHardOrWhyGoAtAll
Every Damn Day Train Hard! #TrainLikeABeast #LookLikeABeauty
Id take form over weight. don’t need much for reverse fly
#iWorkout #BulkShoulders #BodyBeast #BeastMode #GirlsWhoLift
#progress in just one week…may be small but it’s
#Legs #iWorkout #GoHardOrGoHome #NoPainNoGain #GirlsWhoCrossFit
Who’s your equal??
It’s your journey! Take it && own it!!
Make Yourself!
FlexFriday!!! Smashed my #Arms workout. #girlswholift #girlswhoworkout
Have #NoFear. Your body is capable of far more then you think.
Happy Monday! Smashed #ChestDay!! Now time for the grind. #girlswholift
Crushed shoulders workout. #iWorkout #girlswhocrossfit #gymrat
Monday = Chest Day #BodyBeast #BeastModeOn #GirlsWhoLift #GirlsWhoWorkout
Sunscreen Towel FabulousWeather= Heaven…Gettin muh tan
TGIF…#FlexFriday Now time for 12hrs grind. #GetItIn #iWorkout
#MyLife and I LOVE it!
#Truth through it all…the bad and the good or should I
Because I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else! #Chicago
Happy Flex Friday! Did Cardio&Shoulders this a.m. #StrongIsTheNewBeautiful
#BodyBeast Day60 Cardio&Abs #FitForLife #FitnessAddict #GymRat
#BodyBeast Day59 Back&Bis #NoPainNoGain (at The Refinery)
#BodyBeast Day58 Legs
#BodyBeast Day52 Arms (at The Refinery)
#BodyBeast Day51 #Legs #StrongIsTheNewBeautiful #GirlsWhoLift
Back down to 112lbs. Backing off my protein shakes… #ProteinShakeAddict