recordnerdz: Black Keys - BBC Sessions #vinyl #vinyligclub #vinylcollective
cuyahogabend: Classic Records 200g 10” reissue of Miles on
thecoalcreekboys: Part of this weekend Vinyl finds, I was stunned
vinylhunt: The Jacksons Epic X698, 1976 #vinyl #nowplaying #nowspinning
jeffsfancyblog: #onmyturntable The #Cars • Candy-O #instavinyl
vinylfy: I really wanted this: Death Angel - Frolic Through
justcoolrecords: #recordmail from last week! #minenow #onmyturntable
cuyahogabend: … A near mint copy of Rumproller. #bluenote
recordnerdz: Turing Machine - A New Machine for Living. Red.
vinylhunt: “Are You Experienced” - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
thecoalcreekboys: My slowly but surly growing Miles Davis, Columbia
nowxspinning: Willie Nelson /// Stardust /// Columbia 1978 #nowspinning
knierimosity: I keep this album under lock and key. #Dokken
vinylfy: Crate digging at the Record Show #vinyl #vinil #record
justcoolrecords: It’s all about these today! #recordbox #vinylstorage
cuyahogabend: Also picked this up today. Goal is to get that
nowxspinning: Refused /// The Shape of Punk to Come /// Epitaph
cuyahogabend: Original #mono #impulse AM-PAR orange and black
knierimosity: The Tremeloes. #vinyligclub #vinylsunday (at record
vinylhunt: “The Ways of a Woman in Love” b/w “You’re
nowxspinning: KISS /// Destroyer /// Casablanca 1976 /// Not
vinylfy: Kiss - Revenge, at the Record Show #vinyl #vinil #record
knierimosity: Fast Times. #vinyligclub (at record den)
knierimosity: KISS Destroyer. The remixed version (Resurrected)
vinylfy: Madonna - True Blue, at the Record Show #vinyl #vinil
knierimosity: Motley Crüe. #onmyturntable #vinyligclub #vinylsunday
cuyahogabend: #jazz #ellingtonia #nowplaying #nowspinning #vinyl
vinylfy: 45s at @sweatrecords #vinyl #vinil #record #records
cuyahogabend: West 63rd #mono #rvg Plastylite P #deepgroove
droptheneedlelikethesongssayit: Another new setup because the
cuyahogabend: Right up there on my list of favorite piano players.
vinylfy: 45s at Big Apple Books , Ft. Lauderdale ,FL #vinyl
vinylfy: @xmissycupcakesx ‘s Technics SL-B2 #vinyl #vinil
vinylfy: Spinning some records while getting hair cut at @inthecut305
vinylhunt: “Daylight Again” || Crosby, Stills &
huggingrobot: #nowspinning a little i am robot and proud before