“One of the features that will be included as part of Game
flylikehermes: dog: hello koi. koi(s): HELLO DOG!HELLO DOG!HELLO
i drew a duck
horseecomics: “friends” Because, hey, what are friends for?
i made ditto i like ditto i’m also bad at shadows and light
batman.. baaaatmaaaaan..
So I beat Batman: Arkham Asylum..
I feel like I have too many games..
You’ve been suddenly sucked into an RPG. What are your stats?
The Binding of Isaac: the really real final boss.
This is one of the coolest music videos I’ve ever seen.
Jedi vs The Fly
Jedi vs The Fly 2?
elephantomsk: “Herman”I’m going to be sad if that’s
Afraid of Mansters
divtag: pumpkinpandas: sillyjews: d3uces: h-0-w-l: What
caoine: animalsdancingonfood: Veliciraptors dancing on Cool
Patches? In an MMO?
I can't stop playing Battlefield 3..
I found pocket lint.
and now Goldfish.
Holy Shit!
why it could have happened i had everything i needed but whywhywhywhywhy
The 3 stages of ashfkjasedfhjk
jinxyourself: if you don’t know about this, you’re too young
I think everyone knows what the Pyro mystery is going to be,
nightmareloki: drvalkyrie: cuddlyxmedics: accelll: WHAT IS
Are your bodies ready next week Monday? BECAUSE SHIT IS ABOUT
This is about to happen.
I did it.