Drako’s daily salad. He eats healthier than me most days.

Drako’s daily salad. He eats healthier than me most days.

@boshing is my new favorite ig page. #smh #funny

@boshing is my new favorite ig page. #smh #funny

As soon as he saw the booty he lost all his strength! #powerofthebooty

As soon as he saw the booty he lost all his strength! #powerofthebooty

The face I make when I think about my boo Oprah. #icon #smh #art

The face I make when I think about my boo Oprah. #icon #smh #art

Did y'all see these yet? I’m probably late to the dance

Did y'all see these yet? I’m probably late to the dance

Parenting today. #smh #sowrong

Parenting today. #smh #sowrong

It reads “congration you done it” #wtf #smh #damndamndamnjames

It reads “congration you done it” #wtf #smh #damndamndamnjames

Smartest cat owner in the world!!!! #pets #cat #caged #smh

Smartest cat owner in the world!!!! #pets #cat #caged #smh

#funny #smh #instaphoto

#funny #smh #instaphoto

Even Manu on some “I hate LeBron” ish. #smh #funny

Even Manu on some “I hate LeBron” ish. #smh #funny

I’m done with the #NBA….. Until October that is.

I’m done with the #NBA….. Until October that is.

That’s a “you can hate all you want, I’m rich

That’s a “you can hate all you want, I’m rich

This is truly a screwed up country we call home……

This is truly a screwed up country we call home……

Yeah I’m late but I’m here now. The amazing #FoPorter

Yeah I’m late but I’m here now. The amazing #FoPorter

“Everybody from the 773 put ur hands up and follow me.

“Everybody from the 773 put ur hands up and follow me.

I wouldn’t catch his ass either! Keep ur old ass on stage

I wouldn’t catch his ass either! Keep ur old ass on stage

It was a foolish idea to put “non metal blade” fans

It was a foolish idea to put “non metal blade” fans

#lmao #smh #instphoto

#lmao #smh #instphoto

And you wonder why ur kids  are crazy!!!! #smh #parenting #yallnotus

And you wonder why ur kids are crazy!!!! #smh #parenting #yallnotus

Pretty much sums up how I wish every day started. #smh #dreaming

Pretty much sums up how I wish every day started. #smh #dreaming

#funny #smh

#funny #smh

Hmmmm. #funny #smh #instaphoto

Hmmmm. #funny #smh #instaphoto

Good luck with that Bruh. #smh #funny #instaphoto

Good luck with that Bruh. #smh #funny #instaphoto

Beja says the kids call this the “booty tree”. Honestly

Beja says the kids call this the “booty tree”. Honestly

If you don’t talk to your children about sex they may do

If you don’t talk to your children about sex they may do

Most people should take time and think about the words that are

Most people should take time and think about the words that are

I would hope that most of y'all already knew this. While I can’t

I would hope that most of y'all already knew this. While I can’t

#dead #smh #dammdamndrake

#dead #smh #dammdamndrake

#funny #smh

#funny #smh

I know you not talking bout my momma! #stillwaiting #smh #funny

I know you not talking bout my momma! #stillwaiting #smh #funny

Yep that’s about right, not me though. #manlogic #funny

Yep that’s about right, not me though. #manlogic #funny

I’m willing to try anything at this point!! #bulls #nba

I’m willing to try anything at this point!! #bulls #nba

#damn #jokes #smh #noooo #instaphoto

#damn #jokes #smh #noooo #instaphoto

Brother man is like “wtf?!? Really dude, really?!”

Brother man is like “wtf?!? Really dude, really?!”

Just had this happen to me at work! #wtf #smh #tookmymoney

Just had this happen to me at work! #wtf #smh #tookmymoney

#nigganomatry at its finest. #smh #hairstyles #ghetto #damn #really

#nigganomatry at its finest. #smh #hairstyles #ghetto #damn #really