Jake gets a haircut….

Jake gets a haircut….

Jake Gyllenhall

Jake Gyllenhall

Jake Perri by Thomas Synnamon (@TSynnamon) #JakePerri

Jake Perri by Thomas Synnamon (@TSynnamon) #JakePerri

Jake Perri by Thomas Synnamon (@TSynnamon) #JakePerri tumblr.com/tagged/Thomas_Synnamon

Jake Perri by Thomas Synnamon (@TSynnamon) #JakePerri tumblr.com/tagged/Thomas_Synnamon

Jake Bass is such a fucking UNF. (http://twitter.com/#!/jak3bass77)

Jake Bass is such a fucking UNF. (http://twitter.com/#!/jak3bass77)

Jake Bass eating out Tommy Defendi's hairy ass has to be the

Jake Bass eating out Tommy Defendi's hairy ass has to be the

Jake Gyllenhaal by Tony Duran / 2001

Jake Gyllenhaal by Tony Duran / 2001

 Jake Gyllenhaal for Total Film magazine perfect:3

Jake Gyllenhaal for Total Film magazine perfect:3

jake-englished replied to your post: its been raining a lot every

jake-englished replied to your post: its been raining a lot every

Jake Nikolopoulos

Jake Nikolopoulos

Jake Nikolopoulos

Jake Nikolopoulos

Jake Nikolopoulos

Jake Nikolopoulos

Jake Nikolopoulos

Jake Nikolopoulos

Jake Nikolopoulos

Jake Nikolopoulos

Jake Nikolopoulous

Jake Nikolopoulous

Jake Lokites

Jake Lokites

Jake Nikolopoulous

Jake Nikolopoulous

Jake Nikolopoulous- Pumping up for guest posing.

Jake Nikolopoulous- Pumping up for guest posing.

Jake Alvarez

Jake Alvarez

Jake Burton

Jake Burton

​Jake Nikolopoulous

​Jake Nikolopoulous

​Jake Nikolopoulos

​Jake Nikolopoulos

Jake Nikolopoulos

Jake Nikolopoulos

​Jake Nikolopoulous

​Jake Nikolopoulous

Jake Burton

Jake Burton

Jake Alvarez

Jake Alvarez

Jake Burton (Stu from Sean Cody)

Jake Burton (Stu from Sean Cody)

Jake Burton

Jake Burton

Jake Burton

Jake Burton

Jake Burton - Celebrating the Fourth of July the only way he

Jake Burton - Celebrating the Fourth of July the only way he

Jake Burton

Jake Burton

Jake Burton

Jake Burton

Jake Burton

Jake Burton

Jake Danneffel

Jake Danneffel

Jake Burton

Jake Burton

Jake Burton - Now with beard!

Jake Burton - Now with beard!