Architecture in Italy, Rovigo - #padovafotografia #polesine #rovigo

Architecture in Italy, Rovigo - #padovafotografia #polesine #rovigo

German soldiers and their mule wearing gas mask - 1916

German soldiers and their mule wearing gas mask - 1916

testtubespace:  I love the look of a gas giant rising over one

testtubespace: I love the look of a gas giant rising over one

HA!  EAT IT HITLER!  This is gonna make me hate paying my gas

HA!  EAT IT HITLER!  This is gonna make me hate paying my gas

joleeinabox:  I like this photo, pretty eerie plus, gas masks

joleeinabox: I like this photo, pretty eerie plus, gas masks

MAY THE SCHWARTZ BE WITH YOU *shabbos bonus* D. Schwartz and

MAY THE SCHWARTZ BE WITH YOU *shabbos bonus* D. Schwartz and

The Witch Head Nebula #nasa #apod #witchhead #nebula #ic2118

The Witch Head Nebula #nasa #apod #witchhead #nebula #ic2118

The Great Orion Nebula M42 #nasa #apod #Orion #nebula #m42 #gas

The Great Orion Nebula M42 #nasa #apod #Orion #nebula #m42 #gas

The Tadpoles of IC 410 #nasa #apod #nebula #ic410 #cosmic #dust

The Tadpoles of IC 410 #nasa #apod #nebula #ic410 #cosmic #dust

The Horsehead Nebula #nasa #apod #horsehead #nebula #dust #gas

The Horsehead Nebula #nasa #apod #horsehead #nebula #dust #gas

Herbig-Haro 24 #nasa #apod #esa #Hubble #stsci #aura #stars #nebula

Herbig-Haro 24 #nasa #apod #esa #Hubble #stsci #aura #stars #nebula

Stars and Globules in the Running Chicken Nebula #nasa #apod

Stars and Globules in the Running Chicken Nebula #nasa #apod

NGC 3310: A Starburst Spiral Galaxy #nasa #apod #ngc3310 #spiralgalaxy

NGC 3310: A Starburst Spiral Galaxy #nasa #apod #ngc3310 #spiralgalaxy

Edge-On Galaxy NGC 5866 #nasa #apod #esa #hubblelegacyarchive

Edge-On Galaxy NGC 5866 #nasa #apod #esa #hubblelegacyarchive

Dark Nebulas across Taurus #nasa #apod #possii #nebula #nebulas

Dark Nebulas across Taurus #nasa #apod #possii #nebula #nebulas

The W in Cassiopeia #nasa #apod #constellation #cassiopeia #clouds

The W in Cassiopeia #nasa #apod #constellation #cassiopeia #clouds

NGC 6188 and NGC 6164 #nasa #apod #ngc6188 #ngc6164 #nebulas

NGC 6188 and NGC 6164 #nasa #apod #ngc6188 #ngc6164 #nebulas

IC 5067 in the Pelican Nebula #nasa #apod #naoj #ic5067 #ic5070

IC 5067 in the Pelican Nebula #nasa #apod #naoj #ic5067 #ic5070

The Cygnus Wall of Star Formation #nasa #apod #cygnus #emissionnebula

The Cygnus Wall of Star Formation #nasa #apod #cygnus #emissionnebula

The Tulip in the Swan #nasa #apod #tulip #nebula #constellation

The Tulip in the Swan #nasa #apod #tulip #nebula #constellation

HI4PI: The Hydrogen Sky #nasa #apod #hi4pi #hydrogen #gas #milkyway

HI4PI: The Hydrogen Sky #nasa #apod #hi4pi #hydrogen #gas #milkyway

Propeller Shadows on Saturn’s Rings #nasa #apod #jpl #caltech

Propeller Shadows on Saturn’s Rings #nasa #apod #jpl #caltech

A Giant Squid in the Flying Bat #nasa  #apod #nebulae #nebula

A Giant Squid in the Flying Bat #nasa #apod #nebulae #nebula

Portrait of NGC 281 #nasa #apod #ngc281 #pacmannebula #ic1590

Portrait of NGC 281 #nasa #apod #ngc281 #pacmannebula #ic1590

Starburst Cluster in NGC 3603 #nasa #apod #esa #stsci #aura #hubble

Starburst Cluster in NGC 3603 #nasa #apod #esa #stsci #aura #hubble

NGC 7822 in Cepheus #nasa #apod #ngc7822 #cosmicpillars #gas

NGC 7822 in Cepheus #nasa #apod #ngc7822 #cosmicpillars #gas

The Heart and Soul Nebulas #nasa #apod #milkyway #constellation

The Heart and Soul Nebulas #nasa #apod #milkyway #constellation

IC 5070: A Dusty Pelican in the Swan #nasa #apod #chanctonburyobservatory

IC 5070: A Dusty Pelican in the Swan #nasa #apod #chanctonburyobservatory

NGC 7635: Bubble in a Cosmic Sea #nasa #apod #ngc7635 #bubblenebula

NGC 7635: Bubble in a Cosmic Sea #nasa #apod #ngc7635 #bubblenebula

W5: The Soul of Star Formation #nasa #apod #w5 #ic1848 #soulnebula

W5: The Soul of Star Formation #nasa #apod #w5 #ic1848 #soulnebula

Flaming Star Nebula #nasa #apod #ic405 #flamingstarnebula #stars

Flaming Star Nebula #nasa #apod #ic405 #flamingstarnebula #stars

NGC 4696: Filaments around a Black Hole #nasa #apod #esa #hubble

NGC 4696: Filaments around a Black Hole #nasa #apod #esa #hubble

IC 4628: The Prawn Nebula #nasa #apod #eso #inaf #ic4628 #prawnnebula

IC 4628: The Prawn Nebula #nasa #apod #eso #inaf #ic4628 #prawnnebula

The Lagoon Nebula in High Definition #nasa #apod #eso #inaf #lagoonnebula

The Lagoon Nebula in High Definition #nasa #apod #eso #inaf #lagoonnebula

Seagull to Sirius #nasa #apod #nebula #nebulae #gas #dust #molecularcloud

Seagull to Sirius #nasa #apod #nebula #nebulae #gas #dust #molecularcloud

Seagull to Sirius #nasa #apod #nebula #nebulae #gas #dust #molecularcloud

Seagull to Sirius #nasa #apod #nebula #nebulae #gas #dust #molecularcloud