Yours truly, chill in’ at home.
Me, taking a little rest before I climb back up on the rug du
(Laughing) I went through this phase years ago when I wanted
I adore trampling hands. Hell,I adore trampling anything! And
Some of My many moods. Mostly happy. Did I mention I love
STOP!!!!! I know you spend your time here on tumblr rifling
Now explain to Me just why I should waste toilet paper like this
Lunch is served. Get every precious drop out of every nook and
Your’s truly…setting the trap at a club in Vegas.
Just a few more pics from last weekend. Just to let you know
Want to know what is My primo, ideal, go to outfit? The one
Confession time… I LOVE it when the shoes come out…and
Come back up slave. I have another big surprise for you! Hahahahahahaha
Wow A golden oldie of Me from the vault. Obviously before they
I do occasionally throw a shot of Me, Myself and I up here.
Yours truly, just lounging at home. I look so nice, normal and
maybe I was born with an extra little clit up there. Because
Lil ol Me, feeling mischievous. That’s a nice word for
you’ll be graded on your technique, your enthusiasm, skill
Pick a color. Any color. Me btw.
The cloning process is underway. Soon…there will be an
An oldie of Me and I do mean an oldie! Probably the fourth or
My used to be favorite pic! Shot years ago at The Hotel Rouge
Back in the day, when I would spend hours every night chat in
I came across this still from one of My clips made years ago
What’s missing here? Why…YOU of course! Laying
Makeup perfectly applied. Outfit perfectly accessorized. All
The beachy side of Me, hanging out in Ft. lauderdale.
Catching a shine from My boot licker.
Give Me roses? I’ll give you back the thorns.
Me, lounging on the rocks along the Pacific Coast Highway near
EXACTLY!!! (Me in the picture btw.)
Cartoonized images of your’s truly.
thepureskin: d–ivinyls:
1,000 posts! oh My My! The 1000 post threshhold has been reached!
A few shots of Me during the holidays.