mineralists: Rosettes of Hematite and double terminated Quartz
fuckyeahmineralogy: Calcite; San Sebastian Mine, San Luis Potosi,
mineralists: Gemmy golden Calcite on top of purple cubed Fluorite.
fuckyeahmineralogy: Galena with Calcite flowers and Quartz;
fuckyeahmineralogy: Hematite-included Quartz and Calcite; Northern
mineralists: “Dad’s new find Calcite 1100 ft. level
mineralists: Calcite on Fluorite with Pyrite on FerberiteYaogangxian
ggeology: Magnetite and Calcite // Otamo dolomite quarry,
mineralists: Calcite with Chalcopyrite/Marcasite
ggeology: Fluorite with Calcite on Dolomite // China
ggeology: Calcite and Pyrite // Brushy Creek Mine, Reynolds
ggeology: Calcite with Quartz // Huanggang Mine, Inner Mongolia,
ifuckingloveminerals: Calcite, Malachite
ifuckingloveminerals: Calcite, Stibnite Banpo Mine, Dushan Co.,
ifuckingloveminerals: Calcite, Barite, Sphalerite Elmwood Mine,
ggeology: Cobaltoan Calcite // Agoudal Mines, Agoudal, Bou
ggeology: Calcite
ifuckingloveminerals: Calcite, Apophyllite Faquier Co., Virginia
ifuckingloveminerals: Calcite, Hemimorphite Ojuela Mine, MapimÃ,
fuckyeahmineralogy: Red Beryl [x] Aquamarine [x] Pyrite on
bijoux-et-mineraux: Rosasite, Calcite and Hemimorphite - Ojuela
mineralists: Zoned purple and yellow crystals of Fluorite with
bijoux-et-mineraux: Unusual combination of of Fluorite with
bijoux-et-mineraux: Calcite with Hematite inclusions - Leiping,
arockmaniac: Cave Calcite/Aragonite - Under natural and short
underthescopemin: Calcite Collection & photo Matteo Chinellato
bijoux-et-mineraux: Roselite and Calcite - Agoudal Mine, Bou
ggeology: Hematite crystal with Calcite
mineralists: Calcite with Sphalerite
plantsrocksthings: Calcite, from Kazakhstan.
ifuckingloveminerals: Hematite, Mariposa Calcite Potosi Mine,
ifuckingloveminerals: Pyrite, Quartz, Ankerite Calcite Spruce
ifuckingloveminerals: Calcite (shortwave) Crestmore, California
phrux:fuckyeahmineralogy:Red Beryl [x]Aquamarine [x]Pyrite
ifuckingloveminerals: Hubnerite, Quartz, Calcite, ScheeliteHuayllapon
lapislazulynx:★ Galaxy Calcite ★Taken with Nexus 5 8MP