Ah’m not sure ah kin face an audience just yet- BLARGH
Suddenly, workpage’d. Doodles and update.
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #10 [Cell Phones in 5 Years]
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #11 [Slime] I love her voice.
You win this time, Zee.
>>Art Slump is best pony. So yeah, I’ll flesh these
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #12 [Power Rangers Go] Alpha,
New project, aw yeah. Also, I don’t really stick to plans,
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #13 [Sneak Attack(…?)]
Sketches and witchcraft.
Because Zee asked, okay? Okay.
Because it’s Draw Lady Rainicorn Day today!
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #14 [Water] Not-so-wet mane.
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #15 [Intense Rage] Everyday
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #16 [Kawaii] My mind wandered
Keep on truckin’.
Once again, >>Art Slump is best pony. And wants more questions,
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #18 [Popcorn] I approve.
I’m not procrastinating. Man, this game lets me know how
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #19 [The Internet] The internet
Art block doodles. Needs more human.
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #20 [Best. Drawing. Ever.]
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #21 [Neato Video Games] Accurate.
What happens when I try to brainstorm. Anyway, I’ll do
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #22 [Your Love Interest]
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #23 [Flying] Training wheels.
burdge: -Ira Glass This. Keep on truckin’.
Did I ever mention my growing obsession with Sweetie Bot? Also,
Sorting hat. Had to get the ol’ compy fixed up, so not
Happy Derpy Day!
Solution: Drink all the coffee. All hail Lord Smooze.
Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #24 [Topography Dictionary]
Sketches from my caffeine rush. The crash afterwards was awesome.
And she just kept screaming all day! Like… What’s
CMC. Kinda. Also, color practice excessive doodling.