Ah’m not sure ah kin face an audience just yet- BLARGH

Ah’m not sure ah kin face an audience just yet- BLARGH

Suddenly, workpage’d. Doodles and update.

Suddenly, workpage’d. Doodles and update.

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #10 [Cell Phones in 5 Years]

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #10 [Cell Phones in 5 Years]



Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #11 [Slime] I love her voice.

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #11 [Slime] I love her voice.

You win this time, Zee.

You win this time, Zee.

>>Art Slump is best pony. So yeah, I’ll flesh these

>>Art Slump is best pony. So yeah, I’ll flesh these

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #12 [Power Rangers Go] Alpha,

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #12 [Power Rangers Go] Alpha,

New project, aw yeah. Also, I don’t really stick to plans,

New project, aw yeah. Also, I don’t really stick to plans,

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #13 [Sneak Attack(…?)]

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #13 [Sneak Attack(…?)]

Sketches and witchcraft.

Sketches and witchcraft.

Because Zee asked, okay? Okay.

Because Zee asked, okay? Okay.

Because it’s Draw Lady Rainicorn Day today!

Because it’s Draw Lady Rainicorn Day today!

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #14 [Water] Not-so-wet mane.

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #14 [Water] Not-so-wet mane.

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #15 [Intense Rage] Everyday

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #15 [Intense Rage] Everyday

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #16 [Kawaii] My mind wandered

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #16 [Kawaii] My mind wandered

Keep on truckin’.

Keep on truckin’.

Once again, >>Art Slump is best pony. And wants more questions,

Once again, >>Art Slump is best pony. And wants more questions,

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #18 [Popcorn] I approve.

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #18 [Popcorn] I approve.

I’m not procrastinating. Man, this game lets me know how

I’m not procrastinating. Man, this game lets me know how

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #19 [The Internet] The internet

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #19 [The Internet] The internet

Art block doodles. Needs more human.

Art block doodles. Needs more human.

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #20 [Best. Drawing. Ever.]

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #20 [Best. Drawing. Ever.]

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #21 [Neato Video Games] Accurate.

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #21 [Neato Video Games] Accurate.

What happens when I try to brainstorm. Anyway, I’ll do

What happens when I try to brainstorm. Anyway, I’ll do

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #22 [Your Love Interest]

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #22 [Your Love Interest]

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #23 [Flying] Training wheels.

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #23 [Flying] Training wheels.

burdge:  -Ira Glass  This. Keep on truckin’.

burdge: -Ira Glass This. Keep on truckin’.

Did I ever mention my growing obsession with Sweetie Bot? Also,

Did I ever mention my growing obsession with Sweetie Bot? Also,

Sorting hat. Had to get the ol’ compy fixed up, so not

Sorting hat. Had to get the ol’ compy fixed up, so not

Happy Derpy Day!

Happy Derpy Day!

Solution: Drink all the coffee. All hail Lord Smooze.

Solution: Drink all the coffee. All hail Lord Smooze.

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #24 [Topography Dictionary]

Zee’s Drawing Challenge - Day #24 [Topography Dictionary]

Sketches from my caffeine rush. The crash afterwards was awesome.

Sketches from my caffeine rush. The crash afterwards was awesome.

And she just kept screaming all day! Like… What’s

And she just kept screaming all day! Like… What’s

CMC. Kinda. Also, color practice excessive doodling.

CMC. Kinda. Also, color practice excessive doodling.