Babycakes loves me, you guys. We moved my computer into the livingroom
My computer is set up and funtional, so i *know* that it *can*
If anyone happens to be going, let me know. Would be awesome
Happy Easter peeps~~! I almost forgot it was possible to have
I mean, Mei and Sombra are pretty much where i am at right now,
Am i gross if i want to draw and sell cute things but my main
I’ve been really busy. Last week turned into getting ready
Here is a picture of my finished metal peice. About 16"
Putting in my two weeks tomorrow. Gonna miss the money, but i
I have been scheduled for nothing but bussing tables for two
Leaving the life of bussing tables, to return to her true purpose–drawing
Please you guys, this is super important. This is Bart, my Khajiit.
Stream after the eclipse! :o getting set up while i wait, and
Hopefully just for a few more days. Going to the dr. today.
Daddydog’s kitty hasn’t been doing so hot. Bailed
I’ll just not be to hard on it and give it another go fresh
My neck is fucked up dudes.One wrong sneeze and it hurts to look
skuttz: My neck is fucked up dudes.One wrong sneeze and it hurts
Skupdate: thanks again for the patience.So, my neck is starting
Mod pic
Medical progress:I know this should be on mod blog, but i am
skuttz-mod: Thank god my file saved Hey guys, my mod blog is not be moving until September (it
ask-skuttz:Like outfits or as questions. Might go back to answering
I’ve been doing a lot better since I moved! Internet should
The one thing we can’t find is my internet cable.I’ve
Anyone else like the Scooby doo Monster girls?I mean, its October
Yo: I’ve been really sick again. Be back ASAP.I’ve
skuttz-mod: Surgery went well. Was only in the OR for about