pornomagnum: KEEEEEEY HOOOOOOLE! < |D’“”
pornomagnum: Final design for front of Coy’s daki. These
pornomagnum:Belated birthday gift to the master of jailbait,
pornomagnum:Some pussy practice turned into halftone practice.
pornomagnum:Practicing different body types tonight with Dashy.I
pornomagnum: Wow wow wow guys! Thank to the patreon I am SO
pornomagnum: I give you…..Yoko-Shy…I mean, Flutter Littner…umm…something
pornomagnum: Rule 34 drops the hammer once again on poor shy
pornomagnum: Ever want to ask Cu or Lu a question? Burning
pornomagnum: Sketches from the stream. My Waifu and my mistress…fu.
pornomagnum: Doxy’s rendition of shy-shy is so good I had
pornomagnum: Meeep! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
pornomagnum: Just some practice.
pornomagnum: Some roughs for an idea I wana entertain featuring
pornomagnum: “Beverly is a naughty bear and likes to
pornomagnum: Costume designs for a comic idea im strongly leaning
pornomagnum: Part 1 of my new livestream mini series Syx-y Saturdays.
pornomagnum: Part 2 of my new livestream mini series Syx-y
pornomagnum: Final designs for “Backstage Pass”
pornomagnum: Hmmmm, i think i like this color scheme better
pornomagnum: Sketch commission completed tonight during the
pornomagnum: Here’s some more.
pornomagnum: Very very rough pages of Beverly’s halloween
pornomagnum: Part 6 of my new livestream mini series Syx-y Saturdays.
pornomagnum: Very rough ideas for Coy daki. Sorry for roughness,
pornomagnum: A FULL SACK Grand finale of my new livestream mini
pornomagnum: This was supposed to be a quick warm up, went a
pornomagnum: Pirate booty.
pornomagnum: A little more slutty Sally.
pornomagnum: “Costume Custom” featuring Beverly
pornomagnum: Trying out a new method of coloring on Peachy-poo.
pornomagnum: UUUUGHHHHH…… have a crappy shy sketch ya animals…=p
pornomagnum: Guys, I’m completely obsessed. Its just so
pornomagnum: “Costume Custom“ featuring Beverly Bear
pornomagnum: “Costume Custom“ featuring Beverly BearPg