mitos: Natural bodybuilder Kane Sumabat
mitos: Sean Smith by Pat Lee (2014)
mitos: Nicholas Soto by André Deloach of Empyrean Photography
mitos: Dean Michael a.k.a. Dean Fazzolari (2014)
mitos: Adam Charlton’s legs
mitos: Natural bodybuilder Doug Miller (2007)
mitos: Natural bodybuilder Kane Sumabat
mitos: Natural bodybuilders Doug Miller and Brian Whitacre (2013)
mitos: Greg Rando
mitos: Ali Gordon (2014?)
mitos: Ryan Hughes (2013)
mitos: Natural bodybuilder Doug Miller by Rob Morton (2009)
mitos: James Ellis (2012)
mitos: John Lee (2012)
mitos: John Cena by Per Bernal (2014) (via Osmose)
mitos: Anton Antipov by Jon Malinowski (2012)
mitos: Mark Ivanov (Марк Иванов) (2013)
mitos: Tanner Parkes (2008)
mitos: Julian Andres Navarro by Jimmy Murtaugh of Alpha Design
mitos: Eric Daye (2010)
mitos: Julian Andres Navarro by Jimmy Murtaugh of Alpha Design
mitos: Sergey Yaroslavtsev (2014) (via)
mitos: Pavel Fabók (2011), similar
mitos: 19-year old Nico Scipione by Jimmy Murtaugh of Alpha
mitos: Santiago Aragon by Rick Day (2010)
mitos: Tavi Castro (2013)
mitos: Alexey Sergeev (Алексей Сергеев) (2013)
mitos: De Stella Nova by Vishstudio Goga Tupuria aka Grigory
mitos: Ty Ogedegbe (2013)
mitos: Joshua Englehart (2009)
mitos: Lou Ferrigno (1977)
mitos: Santiago Aragon by Pat Lee (2008)
mitos: Natural bodybuilder Corbin Pierson (2012)
mitos: Antoine Vaillant by Per Bernal (2013) (via Osmose)
mitos: Johnny Doull (via)
mitos: Roman Vavrečan (2014)