lmm-43:It’s crazy how we all made somebody better for someone
lmm-43:Me losing respect for you is worse than me being mad at
lmm-43:I’m not for everyone, but once you taste my energy,
lmm-43:Your SELF RESPECT gotta be stronger than your feelings.
lmm-43:Don’t do a single thing for me if you’re gonna throw
lmm-43:Time always exposes what you mean to someone.
lmm-43:ppl who let me be dramatic and still love me >>>
lmm-43:I can be the most understanding person but remember i’m
lmm-43:when it starts to feel one sided, that’s your sign to
lmm-43:One door closed… three more will open
lmm-43:I’m no longer available for things that make me feel
lmm-43:If your absence brings me peace, I didn’t lose you.
lmm-43:I never faked my care to someone
lmm-43:A heart that always understands also gets tired.
lmm-43:I water you, you water me; we grow together.
lmm-43:y'all come, y'all go, idc anymore
lmm-43:I never faked my care to someone
lmm-43:Take a deep breath and remember who the fuck you are.
lmm-43:Get you somebody who’s in the mood for you everyday.
lmm-43:If you love hard stay single people don’t appreciate
lmm-43:The ability to read people so well is both a blessing
lmm-43: If I can’t be weird with you then wtf
lmm-43:Get you somebody who’s in the mood for you everyday.
lmm-43: If you text your girl a paragraph about how much she
lmm-43: I need a break from allll this bullshits
lmm-43:When you know your worth no one can make you feel worthless.
lmm-43:Imagine if u could watch a trailer for your 2020
lmm-43: Everything I was afraid of happening, happened.
lmm-43:Music heals, but sometimes lyrics kills
lmm-43:I’m a late night conversation type of person
lmm-43:My loyalty is something you never have to question.
lmm-43:I wanna wake up in 2008 watching Disney channel. Everything
lmm-43:If your SOUL doesn’t turn me on nothing else you have
lmm-43:Everybody showed their true colours this year.
lmm-43:Loyalty is how you act behind my back, fuck how you act