asksweetcheeks: rawrcharlierawr is totally one of my top 5 favorite
rawrcharlierawr: foreverfett: OH SHIT DUDEWHY THE FUCK DO
rawrcharlierawr: foreverfett: rawrcharlierawr: foreverfett:
lt-rawrcharlierawr: foreverfett: rawrcharlierawr: also, Forever
foreverfett: rawrcharlierawr: [4:36:49 AM] Lemontwist: MY
foreverfett: Hey. It’s TMI Tuesday. That’s a thing people
professorsmarticus: foreverfett: Wish Star Trek: Into Darkness
foreverfett: rawrcharlierawr: PINKIE IS PERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRFECT
foreverfett: rawrcharlierawr: Double-D’s double D. Discuss.
foreverfett: rawrcharlierawr: WHICH OF YOU GUYS WILL I BE SEEING
foreverfett: pretty sure someone just said they were gonna
foreverfett: [2:30:25 AM] Forever: hi [2:30:35 AM] Rawrcharlierawr:
foreverfett: i never ended up getting it i fell down and got
foreverfett: IT’S A THING if you wanted to drink lemontwist
foreverfett: that-gay-horse: things we learned from last night:
that-gay-horse: rawrcharlierawr: foreverfett: that-gay-horse:
foreverfett: rawrcharlierawr: WOAH I’M GONNA DO AN ART TRADE
foreverfett: so there I am happy with all the money in my bank
foreverfett: rawrcharlierawr: FOREVER NO WE NEED TO BUY FOOD
foreverfett: I have steam trading cards You have steam trading
foreverfett: reaper-senpai: spookykeyholes: swarms of lickitung
foreverfett: Day 37: The Trevenant grow suspicious. Just gotta
foreverfett: frick
foreverfett: rawrcharlierawr: askquin replied to your post:
foreverfett: Forever: OH SWEET I FOUND A GLIGAR. RCR: What?
foreverfett: This is literally the worst thingI think we need
foreverfett: *cries deeply*
foreverfett: Got a PS4 Gonna stream some Infamous: Second Sun
foreverfett: got u dis love, Forever
foreverfett: Why was 8 afraid of 7? why
foreverfett: Are you what you wanna be? I hope you wanna be
foreverfett: I’m a shiny pokemon omg forever i am so happy