daftpatriot: Doing some Blaziken.
daftpatriot: Starting off the Spyro stuff I’m working on with
daftpatriot: Some doodles of Poindexter and Moth, inspired by
daftpatriot:More Wonder Boy drawings.
daftpatriot: A little drawing with my salamander being pounded
daftpatriot:Nergigante drawings. There’s some of that
daftpatriot: Animal Crossing drawing.
daftpatriot: Vector and Latch, Part 2 / 2.
daftpatriot: Quick small doodles.
daftpatriot: Some sketches.
daftpatriot: Tried a charizard this time. Second pic is just
daftpatriot: Here’s a team of characters I designed and drew
daftpatriot: I always liked the Rocket grunts.
daftpatriot: A drawing I did after trying out Destiny.
daftpatriot: A few sketches inspired by Jet Set Radio, kinda.
daftpatriot: Little WIP. I’m doing some Megaman stuff.
daftpatriot: More Maverick stuff, it’s fun doing these.
daftpatriot: I’ve been sick the last few days, but it’s
daftpatriot: I disappeared into Dark Souls 3 last week. Gotta
daftpatriot: Just gonna upload this sketch I did a while back.
daftpatriot: Ornstein with his personal dragonoid.
daftpatriot: Moofah on hunter sketches.
daftpatriot: Some older sketches that I cleaned up a bit, thought
daftpatriot:Sketches of Kass and Link.
daftpatriot: A couple of attempts at Ganon.
daftpatriot: A sequence with Ganon and Link.
daftpatriot:Starting off with some sketches of Moblins and Bokoblins.
daftpatriot:Some painting practice.
daftpatriot: Quick salmon doodles.
daftpatriot: Working on more Salmon Run drawings.
daftpatriot: The conclusion to the Salmon Run drawing I did
daftpatriot: Some Vector and Sonic sketches, these are fun to
daftpatriot:Chain Chomp doodles.
daftpatriot: Nergigante drawings.
daftpatriot: More Red Aliens from TimeSplitters, haven’t done
daftpatriot: Lizalfos from Skyward Sword, which my patrons voted