Pics and video is up only on
Let me see, I don’t drink, I don’t gamble but Vegas
#mexicana oh next month going to be epic!!! Bay Area, she’s
Oh the plans we have for @gataa__palmaa next month 😈 you
The rest of her is not bad either!!! #barriogirls @beel0ove
#tittytuesday #barriogirls @vacazfinest @vacazfinest @vacazfinest
Updating this never released set that I shot of Jenaveve Jolie
So many of you seem to love her pictures just wait till we bring
Yup the baddest in the land and confirmed for September. Always
Her pictures and video go live tonight only
What do you do when you only sleep 2-3 hours a day? You become
Make sure you join our connectpal page. Adding tons of content
All the test shoots we ever did, lots of pictures that were never
My Gata always showing love!!!! #barriogirls @gataa__palmaa
Our snaptchat is pretty popping…. Snapchat/Barriogirls
Houston calling my name!!!!! One of Houston finest!!! #barriogirls
Our main girl Gata!!!!! #barriogirls @gataa__palmaa @gataa__palmaa
What is she doing climbing rocks in Colorado and busting ankles??
The very colorful Ashley!!! Always loved this girl right here!!!
See the reason why she has a smile on her face on her connectpal!!
To all my lesbians out there. So so pretty. Give her a follow
She’s going to look even better in from of our 📸🎥#barriogirls
Guess who’s going to be modeling some of our new tops??
aabbylicious: video 1 posted.
Our latest #barriogirl Sophia James getting it last night follow
Queen Jynx Maze
Haha showing you youngsters how to properly eat out. Want to
Two queens. @jynxiemazie @aabbylicious.muah my 2 headaches. #barriogirls
Well, heard it here first. Going to start shooting XXX scenes
That’s so damn hot!!!!
This looks like the start of the most epic porn movie ever!!!!
Next trip is the #505 #albuqerque we are doing promotions with