WWE CHAMPION…(once again)…RANDY ORTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bulge! =D
Bulging as usual!
Bulging in those tan color trunks!
Bulging Bryan!
My Favorite WWE Bulges!
Bulging Bryan! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Bulging Ziggle Wiggle! O.O
Bulging hip thrust!!! You’re killing me here Ziggler!
Bulging muscles all over the place!
Bulging Sandow!
yougottalovewwe: WWE Bulge #18
yougottalovewwe: WWE Bulge #23
yougottalovewwe: WWE Bulge #43 Randy apparently loves being
Bulge! He was so happy he won!
Bulging DX Chop by Punk
wwe-4ever: Favorite pics of Cody Rhodes 117/? Ass and bulge,
Bulge holding up the I.C. title
wwe-4ever: Favorite pics of Dolph Ziggler 264/? Great bulge
Bulging Bryan with legs spread wide open
Bulging Orton pose
Bulging Barrett!
onecrazedanarchist: Daily Jeributt And Barrett Bulge
Bulging Viper (X)
Bulging Viper
Bulging Viper! Imagine looking up at this man (X)
Bulge to Bulge ;)
That bulge is enough to distract me from that funny face he’s
Bulging blue is one of my favorite colors of Cesaro’s trunks
Bulging pose!
Bulging dropkick by Finn!
rwfan11: Edge- bulge shot