Does anyone else let themselves binge a day before a fast??
Be Beautiful.. Visit my Thinspo Blog for Tips,Tricks,&More!
Just a quick reminder! Visit my Thinspo Blog for Tips,Trick,&More!
Why hate the Skinny Bitch when YOU can be her? Visit my Thinspo
Why dream of a perect body when we can help you get one? Join
Join us, and we can help you become, “That Skinny Bitch.”
Sound familiar? We can help.
Be skinny, Be happy! Become a resident at SkinnyVille! Anyone
Skinny girls have more fun.. Join my site for Tips,Trick&More!
Stop wishing you were a Thinspo Girl & Become one! Not sure
Need Tips&Tricks on becoming thin? Want to share your Tips&Tricks
“I’m not going to say it’ll be easy…
Unleash your inner skinny girl.. we’ll just help you on
Reason to Be Skinny #1: “So I can have my boyfriend wrap
Reason to Be Skinny #2: I can borrow and fit into all of my friends
“Nothing worth doing is ever easy. Trust me, it’s
“The moment you feel like giving up, remember the moment
Questions,Comments or Suggestions for my blog? E-mail me at
Just a quick tip: 3 Words- Quest White Strips. Just put one of
Sorry I haven’t been on here in a while, My internet wasn’t
Quote of the Day: “The only thing ‘big’ about
New Thinspo Pics have just arrived! Get ‘em while there
SkinnyVille Tip of the Day: Feeling a bit bloated? It may be
Before you eat anything, ask yourself this, “Are you really
A Quick Announcement From One of Our Admins: “If you are
Going out with friends but afraid you’ll make the wrong
Consider this a “cheet sheet” for that sexy little
Just a quick reminder! XO, Thinspo101
One more Thinspo Tip: Drinking a full glass of ice water and
SkinnyVille Tip of the Day: Drinking hot water is a quick and
Random Tip: After eating, sit up straight to let food digest
Quote of the Day: “Don’t give in just yet! Imagine
Every couple of days (NOT EVERYDAY) take laxatives to flush out
Got any weight-loss questions that your dying to be answered?
“ One day, I’ll be that girl who walks around with
Although I am against Pro-Ana/Mia, I do have to owe a big part