

Someone mentioned my favorite DC storyline ever. To spare the

Someone mentioned my favorite DC storyline ever. To spare the



The more I watch this, the more I feel like I can pinpoint your

The more I watch this, the more I feel like I can pinpoint your



Oh hi, hello, yes. How’s it going? Hey, so uhhhh… quick question. What

Oh hi, hello, yes. How’s it going? Hey, so uhhhh… quick question. What





nearly? you’re lucky

nearly? you’re lucky

Did you ask me to make these? Nah. Did I want to make them? Absolutely!

Did you ask me to make these? Nah. Did I want to make them? Absolutely!





Just thought you’d like to know that I’m apparently not going

Just thought you’d like to know that I’m apparently not going



Help? I think she melted my heart and now I can’t find it.(theblackestnightfalls)is

Help? I think she melted my heart and now I can’t find it.(theblackestnightfalls)is



Good lord, what a little bitch(theblackestnightfalls)isn’t

Good lord, what a little bitch(theblackestnightfalls)isn’t







May I interest you in a small boi?(theblackestnightfalls)WWHWh

May I interest you in a small boi?(theblackestnightfalls)WWHWh

Did I mention they had your dream car while I was there?(theblackestnightfalls)that’s

Did I mention they had your dream car while I was there?(theblackestnightfalls)that’s

Yes, I’m completely stunned at how someone would begin a ship

Yes, I’m completely stunned at how someone would begin a ship

Found at baskin robbins. Kind of describes your lapamedot, doesn’t

Found at baskin robbins. Kind of describes your lapamedot, doesn’t

This is just the gift that keeps on giving, ain’t it? What

This is just the gift that keeps on giving, ain’t it? What

This is their relationship in a nutshell, as you have just displayed(theblackestnightfalls)

This is their relationship in a nutshell, as you have just displayed(theblackestnightfalls)

The good old days. Where blood was so common it was shown in

The good old days. Where blood was so common it was shown in

Browsing the town, when suddenly….(theblackestnightfalls)oh

Browsing the town, when suddenly….(theblackestnightfalls)oh

I found these two acting totally in character(theblackestnightfalls)

I found these two acting totally in character(theblackestnightfalls)

I know you more than likely have one of your own, but I couldn’t

I know you more than likely have one of your own, but I couldn’t

So I had zero context for “Dash looks a little like Syndrome”

So I had zero context for “Dash looks a little like Syndrome”

I’ll let you interpret this as you like.(theblackestnightfalls)hmmmi

I’ll let you interpret this as you like.(theblackestnightfalls)hmmmi

When even the devs of the game you’re in can’t help but drag

When even the devs of the game you’re in can’t help but drag

Well I just stumbled across this. Spider Buggy has some competition(theblackestnightfalls)a

Well I just stumbled across this. Spider Buggy has some competition(theblackestnightfalls)a

You know, you get me watching the strangest things. This is hilarious(theblackestnightfalls)aahh

You know, you get me watching the strangest things. This is hilarious(theblackestnightfalls)aahh

I saw an opportunity and I seized it(theblackestnightfalls)aaahhhh!!

I saw an opportunity and I seized it(theblackestnightfalls)aaahhhh!!