spewingmews:Big bunny bobbers !!!
spewingmews: Lewd Corn for one of my Patrons!———————————————
spewingmews: January Pinup for my patrons~!————————————–My
spewingmews: I was seriously about to forcibly remove all of
spewingmews: sketched a fluffy Washu
spewingmews: workin’ on some character design for @anyastasia
spewingmews: Warm-up sketches of some FE: Fates gals~
spewingmews: Heroes never die!
spewingmews: let them eat cake
spewingmews: More Mei for one of my patrons. <3
spewingmews: More commission work donezo.
spewingmews: Some casual Widowmaker for one of my patrons!
spewingmews:March Patreon Pinup!My Patreon
spewingmews:Cheers, love!
spewingmews: Cutie for a patron.
spewingmews: TharjaPanne~
spewingmews: More Mei for one of my patrons. <3
spewingmews: “Got me under your hex, I’m perplexed I’m
spewingmews: More Mei for one of my patrons. <3 Mei Bei
spewingmews: Juri! Han! Juri! Han! waifu~ <3
spewingmews: Goal!——————————–Reward for
spewingmews: Finished pic for my patrons! date me! <3 <3
spewingmews: demon hunter d.va < |D”‘‘‘‘
spewingmews: Warm-up sketch from today~
spewingmews: Finally made some progress on this commission @~@
spewingmews: More Mei for one of my patrons. <3
spewingmews: hot for teacher
spewingmews: she’s got a tentacle problem
spewingmews: WIP WIP WIP
spewingmews: More Mei for one of my patrons. <3
spewingmews: I have been very productive today, this is strange.Have
spewingmews: she’s got a tentacle problem Problem? Well that’s
spewingmews: leeeeeeewd family for @anyastasia
spewingmews: Happy St. Patty’s Day from Recchan!
spewingmews: Looks like Nozomi grew up(patron request)
spewingmews: spewingmews:warm-up inspired by the Bayo hype train