Praying Mantis chillen on a weber the other night at work. #prayingmantis

Praying Mantis chillen on a weber the other night at work. #prayingmantis

afuchan: This is the praying mantis Tang Niang.

afuchan: This is the praying mantis Tang Niang.

Un #visitante en mi casa :3 #mantisreligiosa #campamocha #bicho

Un #visitante en mi casa :3 #mantisreligiosa #campamocha #bicho

Creature corner! #beardeddragons #crickets #prayingmantis #pets

Creature corner! #beardeddragons #crickets #prayingmantis #pets

Quick Pokémon variation 2/? Heracross w. Scyther #pokemonvariations

Quick Pokémon variation 2/? Heracross w. Scyther #pokemonvariations

Quick Pokémon variation 2b/? Heracross w. Scyther coloured!

Quick Pokémon variation 2b/? Heracross w. Scyther coloured!

jaffajamjam:  Quick Pokémon variation 2b/? Heracross w. Scyther

jaffajamjam: Quick Pokémon variation 2b/? Heracross w. Scyther

Was smokin a cigarette on my porch, to to open my door and this

Was smokin a cigarette on my porch, to to open my door and this