Flyer for the third pirate lunch organizied and promoted by the

Flyer for the third pirate lunch organizied and promoted by the

Liquid democracy, always connected! #napolipirata #partitopirata

Liquid democracy, always connected! #napolipirata #partitopirata

If I say democracy, what do you think about? @piratenpartei #napolipirata

If I say democracy, what do you think about? @piratenpartei #napolipirata

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year from the Partito Pirata Napoli

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year from the Partito Pirata Napoli

Flyer for the pirate party at Fonoteca in Naples…today!!!

Flyer for the pirate party at Fonoteca in Naples…today!!!

Legalize it! it’s not just for smoking! #napolipirata

Legalize it! it’s not just for smoking! #napolipirata

Partito Pirata #napolipirata @partitopirata @uspirates @piratenpartei

Partito Pirata #napolipirata @partitopirata @uspirates @piratenpartei

Poster for the party pirata a Casa Alfonso (Napoli) 12/02/2013

Poster for the party pirata a Casa Alfonso (Napoli) 12/02/2013

I have made works for many groups, bands, artists… URTO

I have made works for many groups, bands, artists… URTO