ok one more messy doodle and Im back to regularly programmed
Same Old-
some discord “shitposts” i made abt about quinn from last
OK THIS IS ACTUALLY A DRABBLE. ive been a very story-esque mood
eyzmaster: Steven Universe - Peridot 66 by theEyZmaster I’m
quickie of troll harumishe now has my fursona’s tail
Anonymous: Can you draw mituna and latula doing a bro fist?
oH GOD i just imagined merrill singing “part of your world”
ok hello i think i am officially back on the computer now (i
i always had this kind of AU for monochrome in the back of my
that cat dad feel when ur daughter and soon to be daughter-in-law
forever a salty gay that the “beauty and the beast” title
weiss cutting her hair short for whatever reason would make me
roadtrip!au small continuation from this comicbonus weiss kicking
sometimes i like to pretend i can draw catsanyways this is blake’s
um EXCUSE YOU, WE WERE HERE FIRST- weiss, probably