archatlas: escher x nendo | between two worldsPopularly known
John Linnell (Bloomsbury, London, 1792 - Redhill, Surrey, 1882);
artmastered: Rembrandt, Two Scholars Disputing, 1628, oil on
blastedheath: Glynn Philpot (British, 1884-1937) Study for La
blastedheath: George Lambert (Australian, 1873-1930), William
thisblueboy: Johan Zoffany (German, 1733-1810), Self-portrait
design-is-fine: Margaret Preston, Wheel Flower – Stenocarpus,
andrejapejicpage: Andreja Pejic at the National Gallery of Victoria
My Valentine’s day with mon soleil, ma lune et toutes mes
books0977: Woman Reading (c.1915). Agnes Goodsir (Australian,