Some days I feel like this. So much raw, frenetic energy and
Finally caved and caught a stream of the EqG movie camrip.
Last bit of my birthday is enjoying enchiladas and margaritas
Showing my thought processes in hope to show how I go about human
I should be asleep by now but my mind is restless
16.2.2021Today was somewhat of a busy day I went to prepare myself
My thoughts on this commentary are as follows: 1. Literary:
Sometimes I’m really wary of sharing my favorite songs
Have you ever heard the song “I of the Storm” by Of Monsters
Man, life has been kicking my butt lately (like, 2 years lately,
my thoughts and feelings on music right now.
my thoughts on bullying
my thoughts on ignorance.
my thoughts on jason kidd and grant hill retiring...
my thoughts about the "pleasure of bass" video thats circulating
my thoughts on #bringourgirlsback
my thoughts on ferguson: some ppl have gotten to a point where
more of my thoughts on ferguson: the same way lawyers and judges
my thoughts on ray rice ravens situation
so everyone is making waves about a loser boy who used a drone
my thoughts on a certain well known yt vlogger who shall remain
my thoughts on the grammys: song of the year shouldve been despacito.
Why am I so stupid? Why are you still lingering in my thoughts?
my thoughts exactly
boys-and-suicide: I just want to know who’s going through
@princessmissy56 you mean the world to me! I know I’m away
My Thoughts
Today, I had you removed from my thoughts. Time to move on
He embodies the person that lives in my head.
My Thoughts on MLP:FIM Season 4 Episode 22 - Trade Ya!
My Thoughts on MLP:FIM Season 4 Episode 24 Equestria Games
Just My Thoughts On MLP:FIM Season 4 Finale - Twilight's Kingdom
Just My Thought's: MLP S05E05: Tanks for the Memories
Just My Thoughts: MLP S5 Slice of Life
my drawing motivation/inspiration has been very sporadic lately