urchinmakes:Drew Gage for bsaxagent over on FA~
mosinmakes: A second commission for Jory of his beefy character,
mosinmakes:Commission for DaltEnigma of his hunky lifeguard boofer
mosinmakes:A commission for MikaFumv on FA of his beefy wolf
mosinmakes:A commisson for BowserFan93 of his big bear and tum-loving
mosinmakes: It’s Haku cosplaying as Cusith from High School
mosinmakes:He has a hard time finding clothes that fit him
mosinmakes:It’s a studly @otterstarworks!
mosinmakes: Der he is!
mosinmakes: hotline-yiff: Weekly Recap 8/26/18 [x] [x] [x]
mosinmakes:You know what they say about long legs?