littlestcrocodile: (≧∇≦) I’m not afraid of anything!
littlestcrocodile: ◕3◕ Follow the path of golden mushrooms!~
littlestcrocodile: Wahh! ≧∇≦ I’m king of the grapes!
littlestcrocodile: ≧∇≦ Hooray for bubble baths!
littlestcrocodile: Someday I’ll be as good at playing these
littlestcrocodile: (^v^)Walkin’ in a winter wonderland…♫
littlestcrocodile: Look out, Gotham City! ≧∇≦ It’s crocman!
Fullview I do love Sci-Fi in general, though. Anything with space
littlestcrocodile: (⌒▽⌒)Today, Mei-Lien and I went
littlestcrocodile: ・ω・ Sometimes I like to try on hats
littlestcrocodile: >‿‿◕ What a handsome crocodile I
littlestcrocodile: ♪ Rubber ducky, you’re the one! ♬
R - For me to tell 10 of my curiosities How do other people think,
littlestcrocodile: (╥﹏╥) I am a crocodile, not a piece
littlestcrocodile: ❄ (• ε •) Gotta beat the heat! ❄