Flyer for the third pirate lunch organizied and promoted by the

Flyer for the third pirate lunch organizied and promoted by the

Liquid democracy, always connected! #napolipirata #partitopirata

Liquid democracy, always connected! #napolipirata #partitopirata

If I say democracy, what do you think about? @piratenpartei #napolipirata

If I say democracy, what do you think about? @piratenpartei #napolipirata

Flyer for the pirate party at Fonoteca in Naples…today!!!

Flyer for the pirate party at Fonoteca in Naples…today!!!

Poster for the party pirata a Casa Alfonso (Napoli) 12/02/2013

Poster for the party pirata a Casa Alfonso (Napoli) 12/02/2013