Just a thought..
just-shower-thoughts: If someone else caused you as much trouble
just a thought
just-shower-thoughts: Children swear all the time. Adults swear
just-shower-thoughts:Saying that banning guns would cause people
just-shower-thoughts:The best way to keep a population divided
just-shower-thoughts: If you lose your left arm your right will
just-shower-thoughts: Luke Skywalker defeated the Empire single
just-shower-thoughts: That Google Chrome “what tab is being
just-shower-thoughts: Security guards working at Samsung stores
just-shower-thoughts: I’ve been using AdBlock for more than
just-shower-thoughts: Since our voices always sound cooler to
just-shower-thoughts: There should be a Sesame Street for adults,
just-shower-thoughts: Art is how we decorate space; music is
just-shower-thoughts: If you don’t have enough money for a
just-shower-thoughts: I wonder if in 50-60 years there will
just-shower-thoughts: In Pacific Rim, the humans defeated the
just-shower-thoughts: Many of us will be the last people in
just-shower-thoughts: If everyone is always thinking outside
just-shower-thoughts: You know you’re an adult when you finally
just-shower-thoughts: Cyber Monday is the perfect day to unsubscribe
just-shower-thoughts: Blunt can mean straight to the point,
just-shower-thoughts: If you make a killing you make a lot of
just-shower-thoughts: Learning to code has totally fucked my
just-shower-thoughts: I wonder how many item features I don’t
just-shower-thoughts: I check Facebook like I check my fridge:
just-shower-thoughts: Someone way uglier than you has gotten
just-shower-thoughts:When you say “crisp”, it starts from
just-shower-thoughts: I wish we had the ability to dream together
just-shower-thoughts:What if deja vu was actually the feeling
just-shower-thoughts:A different version of you exists in the
Just a thought
just-shower-thoughts:People with anxiety are basically way too
Just My Thoughts On MLP:FIM Season 4 Finale - Twilight's Kingdom
Just My Thought's: MLP S05E05: Tanks for the Memories
Just My Thoughts: MLP S5 Slice of Life