yourackdisciprine:  A recent trend on RTE (Irish TV) chat shows

yourackdisciprine: A recent trend on RTE (Irish TV) chat shows

ohfuckyeahcillianmurphy:  Congratulations to Cillian Murphy on

ohfuckyeahcillianmurphy: Congratulations to Cillian Murphy on

ethereal-evanna:   Evanna Lynch attends the Irish Film and Television

ethereal-evanna: Evanna Lynch attends the Irish Film and Television

ohfuckyeahcillianmurphy:  Congratulations to Cillian Murphy on

ohfuckyeahcillianmurphy: Congratulations to Cillian Murphy on

ohfuckyeahcillianmurphy:Congratulations to Cillian Murphy on

ohfuckyeahcillianmurphy:Congratulations to Cillian Murphy on