cartoonyafterdark: the VOICE of Lapis Lazuli liked/faved my
sorry im just kinda art/motivation blocked lately but I still
why did everyone comment on my last post talking about how i
honestly i kinda want the original and not the SP mostly cause
bokuakas: im sorry if i suddenly dont respond to texts/snapchats/dms
lennon-lime: when your friends are talking about topics you
I know it’s time to log off when I get chatty in the tags
im kinda worried the allergic reaction i had a few weeks ago
well that was kinda scary my laptop bluescreened but restarted
1. that’s good! and im doing well, i kinda just got up,
i just spent 2.5 hours tweaking my blog a bit, remaking my friends
hahaha gosh well this is kinda funny/weird, looks like 3 weeks
im kinda just feeling a bit poopy about my art and skills lately,
i occasionally still see people reblogging my old HS icons and
so i took my nap and just got up, i have a mild fever again so
////lays over everyone i just came back home from the hospital
also i’ve noticed that the tough thing about my url is
im literally having such a great day like, im eating this most
why is it whenever im sick is when i am 10x more motivated to
hhhhhhhh okay im going to not be mopey today, this morning was
i took off all my posters on the wall facing my bed cause it
hnnnn i kinda feel bad about not being as scream-y excited about
i took a shower and feel a little better, its just my stomach
dad ruined my night a while ago, as usual, so i kinda lost my
day was kinda hectic today so im just gonna relax with some doodling
for a while i kept forgetting that mr. mime is part fairy type
i thought i had enough saved up for this month’s bills and
oh man i just conked out for like 4 hours, i was really tired
should i play undertale? send me asks about why you like it !!
//kinda cringes at money cause im going to have to pay for my
man today was a long day, just more cleaning up and setting up
man im kinda bummed cause even tho i cleaned up my desk and decorated
tbh im just worried of making a bunch of charms and them not
kinda choking back tears and getting a runny nose reading the
im not really feeling this NYE, it kinda sucksso im just keeping