Vin and I made our first Argonians on ESO last night. Meet

Vin and I made our first Argonians on ESO last night. Meet

henlo lizer…helllo you STINKY LIZARD. Go eat a fly ugly.

henlo lizer…helllo you STINKY LIZARD. Go eat a fly ugly.

krovav:henlo lizer…helllo you STINKY LIZARD. Go eat a fly ugly.

krovav:henlo lizer…helllo you STINKY LIZARD. Go eat a fly ugly.

awwcutepets:It’s a security lizard, he makes everything safer.

awwcutepets:It’s a security lizard, he makes everything safer.

Making character icons for @skogselv and I so we can participate

Making character icons for @skogselv and I so we can participate

Hyperfocused on finally getting character sheets in for all of

Hyperfocused on finally getting character sheets in for all of