nimbus-cloud:    明日2/25発売『バレーボールぴあ』

nimbus-cloud: 明日2/25発売『バレーボールぴあ』

theartofknightjj:  theartofknightjj:  still hot.  realized by

theartofknightjj: theartofknightjj: still hot. realized by

 when you find really beautiful art but it’s fucking unsourced

 when you find really beautiful art but it’s fucking unsourced

theartofknightjj:  theartofknightjj:  still hot.  realized by

theartofknightjj: theartofknightjj: still hot. realized by

Got up at 8:30 to play phone tag, trying to get in touch with

Got up at 8:30 to play phone tag, trying to get in touch with