criminalcrow: Foxy from Five Nights at Freddy’s, Herra Hevisaurus
A sketch of Herra Hevisaurus. There’s a lot I’m not
Before evolution.
Herra Hevisaurus!! :D
Animal Crossing Style Herra Hevisaurus!
Herra Hevisaurus notebook doodle, made the other day as I waited
Riffi Raffi!
Dinosaur singers are the best. He might very well be singing
#3 in my current Hevisaurus series, Muffi Puffi! :D I went with
I woke up SUPER early, and had the idea to look into making my
I really enjoyed Hevisaurus’ new album, and the movie is airing
Hevisaurus - Kapteeni Koukku.Ok, so Finland has dinosaur metal
god yes