liebedies:haluter:Ohhh, Tante Helga lass mich den Schmetterling

liebedies:haluter:Ohhh, Tante Helga lass mich den Schmetterling



haven’t done one fo those in years omgi was tagged by @halutations

haven’t done one fo those in years omgi was tagged by @halutations

halutations:an aradia for the @homestuckartists discord server

halutations:an aradia for the @homestuckartists discord server

halutations:dirk harley for @homestuckartists kid/bloodswap event!!

halutations:dirk harley for @homestuckartists kid/bloodswap event!!

halutations:dirk harley for @homestuckartists kid/bloodswap event!!

halutations:dirk harley for @homestuckartists kid/bloodswap event!!

diirky:  the boyz collab with the husbando, @halutations <3i

diirky: the boyz collab with the husbando, @halutations <3i

halutations:finally doing a drawpile on time…. i gotta draw

halutations:finally doing a drawpile on time…. i gotta draw