Looooooooooooooooooooooove, so much loooooooooooooooove.  *is

Looooooooooooooooooooooove, so much loooooooooooooooove.  *is

This is criminal levels of adorable   sexy. via images.ados.fr

This is criminal levels of adorable sexy. via images.ados.fr

My boo linked me a bunch of MusaHiru stuff, which she commanded

My boo linked me a bunch of MusaHiru stuff, which she commanded

This is not criminally adorable, but still pretty criminal. via

This is not criminally adorable, but still pretty criminal. via

‘Bitches don’t know 'bout our manly respect for each

‘Bitches don’t know 'bout our manly respect for each

via sevenstars.blogsome.com

via sevenstars.blogsome.com

I think this may be my #1 favorite piece of MusaHiru art so far.

I think this may be my #1 favorite piece of MusaHiru art so far.

And this one is probably my second. Bite marks. >3 (via cerebal)

And this one is probably my second. Bite marks. >3 (via cerebal)

Another from my boo. She’s rereading at breakneck speed,

Another from my boo. She’s rereading at breakneck speed,

I’m not feeling too well, but this is helpful.

I’m not feeling too well, but this is helpful.

This is even better. 

This is even better. 

I found some more. >) Omnomnomnom shirt.

I found some more. >) Omnomnomnom shirt.

Apparently a doujin cover. Where do we get this for free, amirite?

Apparently a doujin cover. Where do we get this for free, amirite?



Oh shit, porn. Fuck. Yes.

Oh shit, porn. Fuck. Yes.

Excellent colored version of one I reblogged a week or so ago.

Excellent colored version of one I reblogged a week or so ago.