fysw: She [Felicity] is relatively petite, but you would never
fysw: I have lived long enough to see the same eyes in different
fysw: Your destiny lies with me Skywalker. Obi-Wan knew this
fysw: Gwendoline Christie’s Captain Phasma wasn’t the only
fysw: Kylo Ren // The Force Awakens.
fysw: Star Wars: The Force Awakens / character posters.
fysw: “I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic
fysw: Revenge of the Sith / The Empire Strikes Back.
fysw: The Force is strong in her.
fysw: Star Wars + final scenes.
fysw: This will begin to make things right. I’ve traveled
fysw: New Rogue One International Poster From Mexico.
fysw: You don’t know a thing about me.
fysw: I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi. I thought
fysw: We have a mission for you.
fysw: Mark Hamill Goes Undercover as a Stormtrooper.
fysw: Kylo Ren // The Force Awakens.
fysw: BB-8, an astromech droid who operated approximately thirty years
fysw: You knew Luke Skywalker?. Yeah. I knew him. I knew Luke.
fysw: Kylo Ren.
fysw: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Stormtroopers and Deathtroopers
fysw: Mark Hamill Goes Undercover as a Stormtrooper.
fysw: ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY Official Teaser Trailer
fysw:I’d like to be perceived as an actor that does action
fysw: They are real.
fysw: Poe Dameron, a human male who served as a pilot in the
fysw: You don’t know a thing about me.
fysw: I will not fight you, father.
fysw: John Boyega wins EE Rising Star Award BAFTA Film Awards
fysw: Rogue One - new poster
fysw: I’d like to be perceived as an actor that does action
fysw:“Ren met her with his own weapon alight. Expecting weakness,
fysw: Mark Hamill Goes Undercover as a Stormtrooper.
fysw: Mark Hamill Goes Undercover as a Stormtrooper.
fysw: Mark Hamill Goes Undercover as a Stormtrooper.
drugsruleeverythingaroundme: “high we must get” 😂😂😂