Great Affairs from History - Albert Edward, Prince of Wales &
The Nine KingsIn May 1910, European royalty gathered in London
Queen Victoria and Tsar Nicholas II in Balmoral castle, 1896.
Soldiers of the King’s African Rifles at the coronation
Nine European kings stand in one photograph. During May of 1910,
seriouslysensuous: edward-grey: ✦ Hotel Amour! VII
cracked: In 1901, Queen Victoria finally died, and her her son,
art-of-swords: Khanjar DaggerCulture: IndianMedium: steel, white
valuska: THE HEART OF THE GREAT ALONE at Queen’s Gallery
mitford: THE HEART OF THE GREAT ALONE at Queen’s Gallery The
art-of-swords: Khanjar DaggerDated: circa 1850Culture: IndianaMedium:
art-of-swords: Peshkabz DaggerDated: circa 18th centuryCulture:
kootyl: King Edward VII and Tsar Nicholas II. Creator Queen