“Ta-da~!”Full size image hereI woke up from the sound

“Ta-da~!”Full size image hereI woke up from the sound



Salvador Dali working ‘melting clock’ for your bedside

Salvador Dali working ‘melting clock’ for your bedside

museumuesum:  Darren Almond Perfect Time (4 x 2), 2012, 8 synchronized

museumuesum: Darren Almond Perfect Time (4 x 2), 2012, 8 synchronized

I must have been asleep for about two hours, because when I felt

I must have been asleep for about two hours, because when I felt

xkcds:  After a power outage at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,

xkcds: After a power outage at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,

luwha: clock-heart:  clock-heart:  clock-heart:  paypal changed

luwha: clock-heart: clock-heart: clock-heart: paypal changed

cutechubbyhubbymaterial:  weatherfreak82:  itscolossal:  A 3D

cutechubbyhubbymaterial: weatherfreak82: itscolossal: A 3D

animatedamerican: itscolossal:  A 3D Printed Sundial Displays

animatedamerican: itscolossal: A 3D Printed Sundial Displays



animatedamerican:  itscolossal:  A 3D Printed Sundial Displays

animatedamerican: itscolossal: A 3D Printed Sundial Displays

Tink, My Digital Enemy - Clocks

Tink, My Digital Enemy - Clocks

animatedamerican:  itscolossal:  A 3D Printed Sundial Displays

animatedamerican: itscolossal: A 3D Printed Sundial Displays

pun-riii:  Xion-Inktober “noitoberX”11.Cruel : -12.Whale

pun-riii: Xion-Inktober “noitoberX”11.Cruel : -12.Whale

animatedamerican:  itscolossal:  A 3D Printed Sundial Displays

animatedamerican: itscolossal: A 3D Printed Sundial Displays

did-you-know:  There’s a 3D-printed sundial that lets light

did-you-know: There’s a 3D-printed sundial that lets light

 Let me make something clear: Enjoying things you like is NOT

Let me make something clear: Enjoying things you like is NOT