baradepot:  Current Blog BackgroundDick Gumshoe from Ace Attorney

baradepot: Current Blog BackgroundDick Gumshoe from Ace Attorney

damn college in the Mornin but I need my sleep.. oh well I like

damn college in the Mornin but I need my sleep.. oh well I like

off to work I go sadly I don’t wanna go but eh….

off to work I go sadly I don’t wanna go but eh….

Hngg the doujins now qq its too strong… I dunno the author

Hngg the doujins now qq its too strong… I dunno the author

another Dick Gumshoe one since he seems popular I wonder wai

another Dick Gumshoe one since he seems popular I wonder wai

off to bed enjoy your D.G for the night Credits to Straywolve

off to bed enjoy your D.G for the night Credits to Straywolve

Another D.G  thanks to Gato once again

Another D.G  thanks to Gato once again

D.G pix Credits to Straywolf

D.G pix Credits to Straywolf

More D.G.  Cred. Gato

More D.G.  Cred. Gato