Diary - 6/9/2017 - 6th of sept.
Diary - 7/9/2017 - 7th of sept.
Diary - 10/9/2017 - 10th of Sept.
Diary - 11/9/17 - 11th sept
Diary - dal 13 al 17 settembre - From 13th to 17th of Sept.
Diary - 18/9/2017 - 18th of Sept.
Diary - 20/9/2017 - 20th of Sept.
Diary - 9-16/10/2017 - 21th and 22th of Oct.
2 in 1
Man vs Photographer
Kiss and orgasm
somehow—here: Fëdor Dostoevskij, Il sogno di un uomo