

anxiety self portrait #1..

anxiety self portrait #1..

stilllons-deactivated20230310:“you just lost the game!”wrong.

stilllons-deactivated20230310:“you just lost the game!”wrong.

A reason for me not liking edibles.

A reason for me not liking edibles.

Terrified and depressed as hell for no apparent reason out of

Terrified and depressed as hell for no apparent reason out of

My depersonalization.

My depersonalization.

psych-facts:  There’s a dissociation called derealization

psych-facts: There’s a dissociation called derealization

chateau-de-luxe:  m9chael:  derealization   (via) chateau-de-luxe.tumblr.com

chateau-de-luxe: m9chael: derealization (via) chateau-de-luxe.tumblr.com