dappermouth: d o u b l e // f a c e
dappermouth: They’re waiting beyond the trees.
dappermouth: There’s a shivering light in the street tonight,
dappermouth: take care to walk in silence.
dappermouth:It waits for you beside the pool, in rooms gone overgrown.
dappermouth:Snared between the teeth of love, and therein torn
dappermouth:n i g h t v i s i o n
dappermouth: In that dream, you wandered far into a wicked,
dappermouth:strange omens gather at the end of the street
dappermouth: it calls to you from the vacant lot
dappermouth: You hear music humming strangely from behind a
dappermouth: there was something in the pool last night
dappermouth:n i g h t v i s i o n
dappermouth: These woods ring with a shrill, sad cry, fading
dappermouth: These woods ring with a shrill, sad cry, fading
dappermouth:dogs in the dark.
dappermouth:take care to walk in silence.
dappermouth:In fever dreams, only half-asleep.
dappermouth:f e l i d a e
dappermouth:\ S A G E //
dappermouth: n i g h t v i s i o n
dappermouth:No one’s met the neighbors yet.
dappermouth:- F A M I L I A R -
dappermouth: strangebiology: Photoshop and After Effects, animated
dappermouth: n i g h t v i s i o n
dappermouth:t r o u b l e b r e a t h i n g
dappermouth: ▱ m e s s e n g e r ▱
dappermouth: dappermouth: Passed a clinic today whose slogan
dappermouth: w a t c h e r
dappermouth: c i n d e r s
dappermouth:n i g h t v i s i o n
dappermouth: ▱ m e s s e n g e r ▱
dappermouth: w a t c h e r
dappermouth:s u b u r b a n // c u r s e
dappermouth: dappermouth: Deep woods hide saints of another kind
dappermouth: strangebiology: Photoshop and After Effects, animated