THC MELODY #CruItJuStDOIt #ItsAStoryAveThing #LetTheViBesBuRn
#CRUYORKCITY #MusikMonDay shouts to @eff_u_dot for da Drop and
#GetLitWitIt #CruItJuStDOIt #GzLetsGetit #NikeChill #Newishontheway
#GzuNice #PROJECT84 #CruItJuStDOIt #Nicelifeondaway shout out
#PROJECT84 #Schoolsopen #CruItJuStDOIt #Dawgggggg 💉💉💉#DRUGEM
#DotemNnice #CruItJuStDOIt #WeWorking #ShoutsOuttodaCrutho We
@NelNice3 go get Farmiliar #CruItJuStDOIt Shouts to @eff_u_dot
#PROJECT84 @bx_yung_gz lets #DRUGEM ,💯💯💯💯💉🔜
@NelNice3 to get Farmiliar #DRUGEM #PROJECT84 #GzuNice see how
#Whoop #CruItJuStDOIt #DotemNnice #Luvdisish @eff_u_dot on da
#NikeChill #chillingnIllin #PROJECT84 coming Soon #CruItJuStDOIt
#LateButGreat #Nelnice3 for Real Time dig Me ..#CleanupNiceeee
#FIN #BatvSpawn #NICEOUT #BigupsToThemakersofboth #ArtWeAllOne
#BatCaveUdio #Nicelifeondaway #CruItJuStDOIt Shouts to @ronkain
#BatCaveUdio #WorkTime #Nicelifeondaway #CruItJuStDOIt Shouts
#PROJECT84 #GzuNice @bx_yung_gz #ItsAStoryAveThing #DRUGEM shout
#PROJECT84 #GzuNice #ItsAStoryAveThing #CruItJuStDOIt Shouts
#Nicelifeondaway #ICON #BatCaveUdio #Jokeonusuckas #CruItJuStDOIt
#PROJECT84 #GzuNice #ItsAStoryAveThing #Schoolsopen #SoononTheWay
#PROJECT84 #fukyallFakaz #Schoolsopen #GzuNice #ItsAStoryAveThing
#ThCMelody #Nelnice3 #Nelnice3 @nelnice3 for da EARS….
#CruEverything #CruItJuStDOIt #ThCMelody #Nicelifeondaway 💯💯✌💨💉🎮🔜🔜
#Nicelifeondaway shouts out to @_four11 for da Track Work #CruItJuStDOIt
Shout to @_four11 for da heattttttttt #BakToDaGreen #WeWorking
#Nicelifeondaway #CruItJuStDOIt #CRUYORKCITY #ShoutsOuttodaCrutho
#LegendsNeverDie #TrashBarNYCArt #Prince #BBKing #WhereITstarted
#Nicelifeondaway #CRUYORKCITY #ShoutstoUK #DanYatesProduction
#Nicelifeondaway #StoryAveWuTup #CruItJuStDOIt #MusikIsLife #LetsTalkAboutIt
#PROJECT84 #Schoolsopen #ShoutsOuttodaCrutho shout to @annodominibeats
#PROJECT84 #GzuNice #Schoolsopen #ItsAStoryAveThing #CruItJuStDOIt
#PROJECT84 #NELNICENELNICENELSNICE #Schoolsopen coming soon from