hisreadher: Choker. Mhmm. Choke me.
dollskill: Yew got me all ChokeD up DollsKill.com/Chokers
tuesdaysakura: New shot by Kris Karl wearing Valkyrie Corsets,
tuesdaysakura-blog:New shot by Kris Karl wearing Valkyrie Corsets,
karrmennn: thesnobbyartsyblog: karrmennn: clarknokent: thesnobbyartsyblog:
dollskill: Yew got me all ChokeD upDollsKill.com/Chokers I
eartheld: 50shadesof-chanel: eartheld Wtf ur URL and ur face
xndria: eartheld: 50shadesof-chanel: eartheld Wtf ur URL
2gagthefag: Follow gag the fag SIRhttp://2gagthefag.tumblr.com
brookeandlacey: brookeandlacey: Brooke VS120 Black Dress &
God bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸