When ladies request nude personal training one on one in their
I’m at work and I’m sucking lol I’m so not in the mood
Well frick my diapers still haven’t delivered and my friend
i’m sorry followerseveryone send help please to deal with this
My therapy homework for the last week has been to pet my cat
LOL. I’m NOT grumpy in the morning. I am in fact a morning
i am not a good person, and i dont think i can blame anyone for
First weekend home from school and actually having a lot of fun.
Note to self: Don’t drink that much again. (at least not
I am not proud of the amount of Thorin/Bilbo fic I have read
I’m beginning to be convinced that you can’t actually
erenyeagerbomb: “nanaba’s gender isnt a big deal god”
tipsymaple: I may not be a perfect person but at least I have
How I cope after finding out about my #sexual abuse: make a zillion
florrickscully: ● June, 08th 1966 ● Happy Birthday Julianna
I woke up feeling off today and even after about an hour awake
I’m going to go see Interstellar. I’m not really
Let’s see if my family gets home in time to watch TWD on
Ohh my god I’m trying to sleep but there’s some alarm
My brother started recording SU episodes a few weeks back (after
I’m going to go see Deadpool now. Heard it was good. Even
I injured one of my hands today. I’ll be fine but its hurt
matt-delancy: He followed behind her, not entire sure what to
soleil finally came in today!! thank fuck my sister was home
I’ve been feeling like I’m a bad person lately, but
witheringghost:do you ever just kinda wonder what your selling
makespiration: makespiration.tumblr.com Wow you’re kind
I’ve changed a lot this year. I don’t want children
I’m am at a point of new discovery. Where may you ask?
purplehorsedrawswhatever: Oh look, here she is. Well, uh, first
I’m not saying I’ve been more or less living in near constant
fun fact: the first time me and darf tried anal it was in a forest
Pizza in Yosemite does not compar to pizza back home. I miss
How do you approach asking somebody to hang out with you who
MaybeThe only place I belong is in compulsory care on psychiatric
It’s weird how hate and phobia works. Like at least in