Yeaaah… My fave P3 ship, m'kay :D
one-and-only-arisato-minato: Group photo!
one-and-only-arisato-minato: Grocery shopping!
Minato Arisato's expression appreciation
one-and-only-arisato-minato: ぺよんログ2と通販のお知らせ
colorlessmask: empty garden | MUR
checkermode: I hate it when he’s depicted all broody and boring…
M e m e n t o M o r i
spirallings: カズヨリ
For Gracie because she wanted it~
ryoji-baby: mmm yes this is good
I love how you can see through them. Since they’re like,
The Core Themes of P3 and P4 What does man truly desire: Death
Warning: This is a story that ends happily. “Why am I
Tried the Graphic Markers I bought today… Not bad…
one-and-only-arisato-minato: Went to the beach to do some fishing,
one-and-only-arisato-minato: “Izanagi!”figma Narukami YuD-Arts
one-and-only-arisato-minato: Persona 4 Dancing All Night sequel:
one-and-only-arisato-minato: “I-It’s just a poster! Please
kdoranphoto: KATSUCON 2014Persona 3 Minato Arisato | Minako
Reminds me of one of Kamina (and later Simon’s) poses x’D
yuseibutt: soujizz: minato is such a cutie in the manga omg
take my revolution 🌹
take my revolution 🌹
one-and-only-arisato-minato: By しなみこ
Time marches on..
eidolicempress: ☆
p3p-stuff: さんがついつか! by もとひろ@bkm遅延
iwatodai: by ロン
spoopybear: 131-di: neonreverberations: lieslikeprayers:
one-and-only-arisato-minato: Reach Out To The Truth by ♣3
The Yaoi Otaku