Mun tag thing
The 9th icon in your folder is your muse's reaction to meeting
meet the mun;
If I get ten receive "Mwahaha!" Ten times in my askbox, I, the
↖ Please excuse this blog, the mun is a lazy fuck.
Alright muses, we've taken shit from our muns for too long! For
Send a ✦ if you'd date the muse, Send a ✧ if you'd date
Reblog if you honestly take the time to read the mun page
What is your honest opinion of the mun?
Send Me A ☣ If You Want The Muse To Talk About The Mun.
Send me a ✾ if you're in love with the mun.
Anonymous or not, give an opinion on the mun's writing ability.
Tell me on anon what you think the mun is like in real life.
In honor of Munday, the Muse will now tell everyone the answers
Explain the MUN in one word
Get to know the mun!
Threaten the mun and the muse will respond.
What is your honest opinion of the mun?
Send a ❤ for one sexual fact about the muse, send a ⌘ for
Introducing the Mun
What other character do you think the mun would be good at roleplaying
Send me a ▒ to see how my character would react to meeting
Threaten the mun and the muse will respond.
therewitharose: ❤ - Any tumblr senpais? ❣ - An unpopular
send me ❀ if you have a crush on the muse. Send me ✿ if
Ask the mun time!
Send me an ask describing how you think the MUN looks/is. Muse
The 9th gif/icon in your folder is your muse's reaction to meeting
The Muns' Studio - ask me questions about the way I play my muse,
Tell the mun what you think of them and their portrayal of the
// Just a test! Reblog it if my muse can jump in your askbox
His thoughts were jumbled by the end of the day, as they had
toksyuryel replied to your post:Seems you’ve been found
Luckily I had this inked before I hurt my hand and decided to