“I remember being called out of the assemblage, the guards

“I remember being called out of the assemblage, the guards

“As you can see, Scouts, Stands and Neetrenaza had a night

“As you can see, Scouts, Stands and Neetrenaza had a night

stealthboy:  gunsandfireandshit: reallyreallyreallytrying:

stealthboy: gunsandfireandshit: reallyreallyreallytrying:

amalgarn:  radicaltrains:  radicaltrains:  the funniest thing

amalgarn: radicaltrains: radicaltrains: the funniest thing

gunsandfireandshit:  reallyreallyreallytrying:   i tell all my

gunsandfireandshit: reallyreallyreallytrying: i tell all my

we-are-but-mayflies:cool-critters:  Mata mata (Chelus fimbriata)

we-are-but-mayflies:cool-critters: Mata mata (Chelus fimbriata)