boethiah: boethiah: IDK why people are complaining about the

boethiah: boethiah: IDK why people are complaining about the

ognevkafenella:Sotha Sil battling Mehrunes Dagon at Mournhold,

ognevkafenella:Sotha Sil battling Mehrunes Dagon at Mournhold,

g-r-i-m-a: been debating for a while whether to post it v_v zos

g-r-i-m-a: been debating for a while whether to post it v_v zos

midaril:  > you draw sotha sil> you get depressed

midaril: > you draw sotha sil> you get depressed

Art Deco’s Greatest Fan.Patreon | Ko-fi | Characters: Sotha

Art Deco’s Greatest Fan.Patreon | Ko-fi | Characters: Sotha

Happy Tribunal Celebration Day 5 🥂(Commissioned by @goth_synthetics

Happy Tribunal Celebration Day 5 🥂(Commissioned by @goth_synthetics